Arjo UK Pension Scheme

Scheme information

The Arjo UK Pension Scheme (the Scheme) is an important benefit that provides a pension when you retire and protection to your dependants in the event of your death.

This page provides you with access to the Scheme's Statement of Investment Principles  and Implementation Statement.  Further documents such as a summary of the benefits payable through the Scheme can be found by logging in to Broadstone Engage.

The Scheme is a defined benefit pension scheme. This means that the value of the pension you will receive when you retire is linked to your earnings whilst you were employed by one of the participating employers and the length of your pensionable service. 

If you have any queries please contact the Broadstone Administration Team using the details below.

Contact details

If you have any queries about your benefits please email the Broadstone administration team on

The Trustees

The Plan is an occupational pension scheme that is run by a board of trustee directors who are responsible for managing the Scheme on behalf of the members. The Scheme currently has four directors, two of which are company selected and two which are member nominated directors (MNDs):

  • Bob Lock (Chair of Trustees)
  • Colin Baddeley
  • Mandy Clift (MND)
  • Peter Doggett (MND)

If you would like to get in touch with the Trustees please contact them via the Scheme's administrator using the email link above.

Useful links

Find a Financial Advisor Information from the Financial Conduct Authority on how to find a financial adviser.
Money Helper A free site provided by the government to provide guidance on money and pensions.
The Pensions Advisory Service Free information and guidance on all types of pensions.
How to Avoid Pension Scams Information from the Financial Conduct Authority on how to spot, avoid and report pension scams.